Q. Where is the Advancement Report in Scoutbook Plus to give to the Scout Shop?
A. The advancement report is under Reports in Scout Shop and looks a little different, see the example below. This report has been approved by Scouting America Advancement for you to give to your Scout Shop to show you have reported advancements to your council so you are able to purchase advancements.
NOTE for Scoutbook Users: Both Scoutbook Plus and the traditional Scoutbook produce Advancement Reports that are accepted by Scout shops.
- In Scoutbook, users create a PO and generate an advancement report by creating a PO.
- When an Advancement Report is generated in Internet Advancement, the report will automatically include all advancement items from any open PO in Scoutbook, allowing users to remove items if they want to. Once the Advancement Report has been run in Scoutbook Plus, the PO will automatically be closed. Scoutbook Plus has a Purchase History tab where previously created advancement reports may be accessed.
Select Run Report then Advancement Report and review to make sure the advancements are correct.

Click Edit Report to make any changes

This form can also be used as a shopping list
(you can right click and print report if you need a hard copy;
Mac – Opt Click or 2 finger click; Phone-click on browser functions and select print. ) For the final report to bring to the Scout Shop click on Generate Report

Board of Review Signatures. Because entering rank advancement into Internet Advancement, either directly or via Scoutbook, and printing the system-generated Unit Advancement Reports typically occur sometime after boards of review are held, obtaining signatures on the report may not be practical. Therefore, after a board of review is held, it is permissible for board members to sign a completed copy of the Unit Advancement Report found at www.scouting.org/forms. This signed report may then be attached to the electronically generated report and submitted to the local council. Guide to Advancement
Also see: Upload File & Print Report for Scout Shop in Scoutbook Plus