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  4. Can I upload 3rd party advancement files to Internet Advancement? (IA)

Can I upload 3rd party advancement files to Internet Advancement? (IA)

Yes there is a file import capability to bring in advancements from 3rd party applications.

The BSA has been cooperating with vendors who have reached out to us to test the import process and the new file format.  Contact your 3rd party vendor for more information.Find the “Import File” button on the right side of your unit’s Roster page.

Click on the “Import File” button on the right side of the Roster page.
Locate the latest import file, provided by your vendor’s website.
Wait for the file to upload. If the upload fails, contact your vendor.
A green status bar indicates that the file has successfully uploaded to Internet Advancement and is queued for processing.
Files are processed hourly and will remain in a “Pending” state on your “Activity” tab until processing successfully completes.
Files which import perfectly will show zero errors.
If your file fails to process, contact your vendor.
If one or more records fail, download the log file and share it with your vendor.

For more information and help on troubleshooting, see the article here.

Updated on July 2, 2019

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