Why restrict Internet Advancement to limited positions? (IA) Why can’t just anyone with a password enter advancements in Internet Advancement like before? Previously a code was generated for...
Does Scoutbook sync with Internet Advancement? (IA) Internet Advancement reads and writes to the Scoutbook database. So there is no syncing. When you approve something in Internet...
Internet Advancement Reports in Scoutbook (IA) Generated Internet Advancement reports will show up in Scoutbook under the Closed POs in the Needs Purchasing section. Please note...
Why is there an Internet Advancement link in Scoutbook? (IA) Even though Scoutbook units should not use Internet Advancement to track advancements, units that do not use Scoutbook can go...
If we currently use Scoutbook should be transition to Internet Advancement? (IA) No, Internet Advancement is for units who do not use Scoutbook. If you use Scoutbook, continue to use Scoutbook, there...