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  4. Does Scoutbook sync with Internet Advancement? (IA)

Does Scoutbook sync with Internet Advancement? (IA)

Internet Advancement reads and writes to the Scoutbook database. So there is no syncing. When you approve something in Internet Advancement, it is immediately recorded in Scoutbook. When you approve something in Scoutbook it appears to Internet Advancement

Important Notes:

  • If your unit is using Scoutbook for advancement management, you do not need to use Internet Advancement
  • Scoutbook users should not use Internet Advancement
  • Internet Advancement does not save Purchase Orders in Scoutbook and Scoutbook does not save Internet Advancement reports in its archive. To keep your advancement reports together in a single system, use only one system or the other (Scoutbook or Internet Advancement)
Updated on June 7, 2019

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