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How to Record a Clean Water Initiative

Information on Scouting America’s Clean Water Initiative may be found at this link.

For full access to enter activities for everyone in the unit and to approve activities, you must be the unit leader, Chartering Organization Representative or Committee Chair of your unit on your official roster (not just in Scoutbook.) If not one of these three, you will need to be designated in Organization Security Manager at my.scouting.org as a Key 3 Delegate or an Advancement Chair by someone holding one of the three positions above. To make such a delegation, see the guide here. For more on Organization Security Manager see: https://help.scoutbook.scouting.org/knowledge-base/assigning-a-key-3-delegate-or-other-position-in-my-scouting/

Scoutbook unit leaders with the above access can record the service hours by doing the following:

Log into Scoutbook Plus at http://advancements.scouting.org

Select your unit in the upper right

Select Activity Logs on the menu at the left

Then click on New Activity Log

Then select the date and click on ‘create new activity’

Fill in the information, and select who participated and save your work

Under Project Details – select Initiative and then select Scouting for Clean Waterways from the pull down menu.

Then select if the waste includes plastic or not.

You can specify how many lbs for each

Individual Entry of Activities

An individual can post an individual activity (the youth or the parent), but those activities need to be approved by the unit leader after submittal.

A Scout can go to their page, click on Service Hours under Activity Logs

then Create to create an activity (see instructions above for details on entering)

A parent can go to their record in the pull down in the upper right. Then their Scout, Then click on service hours, then create to create an activity.

Recording method for adding service hours to a past event

From an event in the past (click on the event)

Then click on Edit Event

Then in Event Details, click on Add Service Hours and fill in as above.

Remember to select the initiative Scouting for Clean Waterways from the pull down menu, and the number of lbs of plastic waste and non-plastic waste. (see section above)