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  5. How do I delete an empty den or patrol that is no longer being used?

How do I delete an empty den or patrol that is no longer being used?

NOTE: These instructions are to be used by the Scoutbook Pack or Troop Admin.

If you no longer need a den or patrol that has been created you can remove it by disapproving it.

First make sure all Scouts and leaders have been reassigned to other dens or patrols; or are in some other way no longer associated with the den or patrol.

Note you have to end patrol leader or other leadership positions associated with the patrol or den from Scouts in the den to reassign them.

Then just go into the den or patrol page and click the link labeled Den or Patrol Approved.

A popup will appear allowing you to disapprove it. Disapproving a den or patrol will remove it from the unit.

For how to move Scouts from one patrol to another, see:

Updated on August 31, 2020

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