Active units are healthy units that attract and retain youth. Commissioners now have a quick, easy way to view the level of logged activity of the units they serve through the new Unit Activity Summary Report available in Commissioner Tools
This new feature is accessed by going to the Contacts tab, selecting the unit, clicking the Print button and choosing which item you want to print (Activity Summary report, Advancement Report, Charter). The Activity Summary Report data comes from Internet Advancement whether entered directly or via Scoutbook.
Two important notes:
1) In addition to providing a ‘From’ date, a ‘To’ date is required for the report to run,
2) Service Project data entered through the legacy Service Hour Reporting system (a.k.a. Good Turn for America) is only summarized. After RUNning the report, it can be exported to a PDF or CSV file. If you ‘click’ on an individual’s name in the on-screen report, a new tab will open with the hyperlinked source data found in the database. See
the images below.image624×509 68.8 KB