Internet Advancement and Scoutbook Check-marks

Q. How do the Scoutbook check marks correspond to the advancement process used with Troops?

A. Scoutbook complies with BSA policies on advancement. There are four steps to Scouts BSA advancement (see section in the Guide to Advancement)

  1. A Scout learns something.  In Scoutbook that is indicated by the Scout, their parent, or a leader by marking the item complete (green check mark in Scoutbook)
  2. A Scout is tested by the Scoutmaster or someone authorized by the Scoutmaster and passes the examination.  – In Scoutbook this is indicated by ‘approving’ the requirement or advancement.  If needed, the completion date can be changed at this step. This is the date earned as recorded in the national database. (blue check mark.)  Once a Scout has been tested and signed off by someone approved to do so, the requirement has been met. The unit leader is accountable for ensuring proper advancement procedures are followed. A part of this responsibility includes the careful selection and training of those who approve advancement. (blue check mark in Scoutbook.)
  3. A Scout is Reviewed – for ranks this is usually the Board of Review date. 
  4. A Scout is Recognized – normally by being presented a badge.  This is indicated in Scoutbook by marking the advancement as ‘awarded’  (yellow check mark in Scoutbook.)
Updated on February 21, 2023

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