Those with access to My.Scouting ROSTER at the district level and above can now run summary advancement reports in My.Scouting. Summary Advancement Reports by program area for Cub Scouting, Scouts BSA and Venturing. Members will be able to access reports similar to the District Advancement Report without going to a professional. You can access these reports in My.Scouting by going to ROSTER then selecting the Reports tab where the new reports can be found after the Chartered Organizations Report. (See Screenshot.) Don’t forget to include a date range before running the reports.
New summary Advancement reports tips:
- You don’t need to enter a date range.
- The report is calendar year only. E.g., if you run the reports on March 11, 2021 the results will be for 2021
- When the report is run at the district level, it will return the “roll-up” values for the district.
- Click the district hyperlink to expand the district to the units
- ONLY units with advancements will show.
- For those with access privileges above the district, if you click on the “Council Report” button (found after you expand a single district to display the individual units), a summary report by district for the entire council will be generated.
- Due to programming complexities (and trying to keep it simple for Users) the reports will not be combined at this time.
- At some point, these reports will replace the ScoutNet District Advancement Report (DAR)
- Coming in the future:
- Sea Scouting
- Cub Scouts Adventures
- Merit Badges
See the attached for samples.