Q. When I updated one of my scout’s advancement to show that they had earned their Star rank (marked leader approved), it does not show up in the needs purchasing or purchase order.
A. This is happening because the advancement is either in another (possibly closed) PO already or because it is marked awarded.
You can find existing POs at the bottom of the Needs Purchasing report page.
If you wish to remove it from the existing PO and add it to a new PO, you will need to open the previous PO (found at the bottom of the Needs Approval report page, and you have to delete the PO. Everything not marked awarded will go back to Needs Purchasing and you will need to process them again.
If it is marked awarded (the most common situation) clear the awarded check box by clicking on the Scout, click on the advancement; click on the completion date and un-check the awarded box, and save.