Den Chief is a Scouts BSA leadership Position of Responsibility that is available to Scouts in a troop, crew or ship. Den chiefs work with Cub Scouts in a pack. You can connect a den chief in a troop to a pack in Scoutbook.
Once connected:
- Den chiefs and their parents can be sent emails and calendar reminders from their den and pack
- Den chiefs are included in attendance records
- Den chiefs and their parents can view den and pack calendars
- All youth protection protocols are observed for den chiefs as they are still youth
Adding a Den Chief to a Den
For Packs: Go to pack roster and click on add individual in the toolbar then add den chief.

You will be prompted with the following

Then you need to fill in their last name and member ID (the troop the Scout is in can provide you with the member ID.
The troop will receive an email alerting them that you are adding the Den Chief. The troop will then need to approve the position on their side.
Once they have done that, you can move the Den Chief into a den, like you do others people.
Troops may add a den chief position to Scouts, but in order to connect them to a Dub Scout Pack, the Cub Scout Pack must initiate the process above.
Removing the Den Chief from the Den
If the troop, or pack, ends the position it is removed from the pack.