Unit Import Summer Camp Merit Badge Records into Scoutbook Volunteer created Black Pug Software Summer Camp Import You can import Summer Camp Merit Badge Records into Scoutbook from scoutingevent.com.(PDF)...
How do I assign merit badge counselors to a Scout? (SB) HOW TO ASSIGN A MERIT BADGE COUNSELOR TO A SCOUT IN SCOUTBOOK To find a merit badge counselor, go to...
Scoutbook Merit Badge Counselor Guide (SB) To be a merit badge counselor you must register with the BSA at your local council for the position and...
How Do I Remove an Award? A unit administrator can remove the Award by clicking on the Scout > Scout’s Awards > Select the Award >...
How Do I Remove an Advancement? (SB) How do I remove credit for a rank, adventure, or merit badge in Scoutbook? A unit administrator can remove the...